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I am NOT currently accepting new patients. Please reach out if you'd like to join my wait list.

We’re living in a busy world! My goal is to make nutrition counseling attainable and convenient. Whether via video chat or telephone, we will connect on a regular basis to work on goal-setting, motivation, and more. 

Free Consultation (10-15 minutes)

If you're on the fence about working with a nutritionist, contact me to schedule a free discovery call! I'll do the listening, and you tell me what you'd like to achieve in our time together.

I'll provide you some basics about our time together, and should you decide that we're a great match, we'll schedule your Initial Visit. 

Initial Visit (45 minutes to 1 hour)

Once we've decided to collaborate to make your goals a reality, we will have our initial visit! I like to spend plenty of time learning more about you, what your long- and short-term goals are, your previous attempts at healthy living, and any emotional elements you may connect with eating. The more I learn about you, the more we can accomplish together!

Once I gather all that information, we will work together to set some realistic, attainable goals to help you achieve your long-term goals. Remember: habits take time to form! We will work on changes that won’t overwhelm or deprive you, and will build upon them in our follow-up sessions! 


As an added bonus, my clients are all encouraged to reach out with any little questions or concerns between appointments! I’m your support system; I encourage you to pick my brain to help you stay on track! 

Follow-up visits (20-30 minutes)

Follow-up visits are where we get to "check in;" you'll give me all the life and nutrition updates, and we'll continue to adjust and customize your interventions to best suit your lifestyle and help you reach your goals! Follow-ups are available on a weekly or bi-weekly basis depending upon what suits your particular situation. 

Thanks for submitting!


1 Month Package

We will meet for an Initial Visit and 3 Weekly Follow-Ups with access to Stacey via email and text in between visits. A wonderful way to begin your wellness journey!

3 Month Package

For those dedicated to making lasting changes and achieving goals with ongoing follow-up. Weekly Follow-Ups with Stacey will keep you feeling motivated and empowered.

Individual Session

Best suited for those with simple questions that can be addressed in one 60-minute session. Packages and subsequent follow-ups can be added on at a later time, if you choose. 


Stacey is a confident public speaker who enjoys sharing her knowledge and love of nutrition! Stacey is the perfect guest lecturer for your Lunch and Learn or wellness seminar. She will collaborate with you to design a custom, population-specific product that will be sure to get your group engaged.   



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