Stacey is a Board Certified Specialist in Gerontological Nutrition (CSG); she has significant experience working with older adults to achieve their nutritional goals and to improve chronic disease states.
Whether it be unintentional weight loss, swallowing difficulty (also known as dysphagia), diabetes management, heart health, pressure injuries, a decline in kidney function, or simply a desire to feel physically energized and stay active and strong, Stacey is well-versed in nutritional interventions to improve your overall wellness, energy levels, and nutritional status.
Stacey is knowledgeable about age-specific nutrition requirements, and knows that older adults have specific nutrition needs to keep active, healthy, and energized! As we age, our bodies change, but that's no reason to stop enjoying the things we love; nutrition can help optimize your energy levels, reduce chronic pain and inflammation, and keep you feeling young!

Stacey is no stranger to counseling and personalized goal-setting. Whether you'd like to learn how to honor your hunger and fullness signals or incorporate gentle nutrition and physical activity that makes you feel good, Stacey is ready to help! With over 8 years of counseling experience, Stacey will help you to build healthy habits with an emphasis on achieving your goals. She also knows that eating habits are impacted by so much more than the food you eat: stress, sleep, surroundings, and relationships also play a key role in how we nourish ourselves!
Stacey believes that you can be strong, healthy, and active at any body size. Stacey is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor; she loves to work with clients on improving their relationship with food and with their bodies from a place of non-judgment and support. We will work together to set realistic goals that help you to stay on track. Stacey will help you to stay accountable, provide support, and guide you to achieve your goals.
Working with Stacey means focusing on your own personal goals, customizing and constantly tailoring our approach to what works best for you!

Stacey has worked with adult clients of all ages with a variety of medical conditions, including diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), congestive heart failure (CHF), high cholesterol, hypertension (high blood pressure), chronic kidney disease (CKD Stage 1 to 5 on dialysis), and more.
Stacey understands that goals change as we age, and "ideal" lab values differ in the older adult population. She keeps this in mind in setting realistic goals that will optimize your wellbeing.
If you’re looking to work with a nutritionist near you to manage your chronic diseases, improve lab values, and feel stronger and more energized in your body, Stacey can provide practical, realistic dietary and lifestyle modifications to help you life a more fulfilling and healthy life.

Whether you’re looking to feel confident and strong in your body, improve your energy level, or incorporate healthy habits into your life to reduce pain, Stacey is experienced in motivational interviewing and goal-setting! Work together to achieve your personal goals, improve your nutritional status, and focus on wellness.
Stacey understands that every body is different, and each client has individual needs. Work with Stacey in a supportive, encouraging environment to improve your life, and feel powerful and confident in your body.
Stacey will actively listen to your story, and will make sure that you're in the drivers seat when setting goals on the road to wellness. Stacey will consider all aspects of your wellness, such as stress level, moving your body, mental wellness, and more, in helping you to achieve your goals.